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Kim Lengling
Oct 26, 20202 min read
Empathy rather than Ego
I recently read a statement that said, “The core of all successful writing is empathy rather than ego.” – Austin Hackney What a powerful...
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Kim Lengling
Apr 14, 20191 min read
🎶Riding The Storm Out🎶
Lady Mum and Dexter are taking their evening walk out in the field as Lady Mum is watching the sky turn all kinds of dark when her phone...
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Kim Lengling
Apr 10, 20193 min read
The case of the missing Ciabatta Rolls
It was a regular Saturday in the Realm. Lady Mum and Dexter had taken their early morning walk. Once back at the house, Lady Mum took...
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Kim Lengling
Apr 5, 20192 min read
I need to watch Lady Mum!
Lady Mum comes home from work each day to find Dexter's inherited recliner facing the window. Each night she turns it back to face the...
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Kim Lengling
Feb 9, 20192 min read
What IS this place?
Lady Mum and Dexter take their first adventure to the Conneaut Lake Bark Park. "Lady Mum! What IS this place?" Lady Mum explains, "This...
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Kim Lengling
Feb 7, 20191 min read
I'll just take a quick nap...
Lady Mum comes home from work to a very exuberant Dexter. After a long walk in the rain and supper, Dexter begins racing around the...
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Kim Lengling
Feb 3, 20191 min read
What's that out there?
Dexter has found the perfect spot to sit and watch the action outside. "Lady Mum? We going for a walk?" "Dex, we just went for a long...
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Kim Lengling
Jan 31, 20191 min read
I'm a good helper.
Lady Mum found this box thing. She keeps putting my toys in it. I help her by taking them all out. She was walking around talking to...
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